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Strokes: Unleashing Creativity

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

In a celebration of boundless creativity and artistic expression, Artlune partnered with the Garage Society India, an exhilarating art competition that knew no limits when it came to themes or styles. With the freedom to explore the depths of their imaginations, artists from all walks of life eagerly participated in this month-long event, eager to make their mark in the art world.

Artwork by Vikas Garg

Strokes art competition was a breath of fresh air for artists, as it provided them with the rare opportunity to set their creativity free without any theme or style restrictions. For a whole month, the virtual gallery came alive with a plethora of artistic wonders, each showcasing the artist's unique perspective and imagination. From vibrant abstract paintings to intricate pencil sketches, the competition's diversity was a testament to the vast reservoir of talent that exists within the artistic community. As the submission date approached, the excitement grew, and the anticipation for the announcement of winners was palpable.

As the last day of submission rolled around, the anticipation reached its climax. The winners of the Strokes art competition were to be awarded cash prizes of 2100 INR, 1100 INR, and 500 INR for the first, second, and third places, respectively. However, beyond the monetary rewards, the real triumph lay in the recognition and appreciation of the artists' dedication and creativity. The collaboration with Garage Society India brought the worlds of art and entrepreneurship together, reinforcing the idea that creativity is an essential aspect of innovation. Strokes not only celebrated the artists' talents but also served as a reminder that art knows no boundaries and thrives when given the freedom to express itself uninhibitedly.

Artwork by Gunjan Sharma

The Strokes art competition, in collaboration with Garage Society India, was a true celebration of artistic freedom and creativity. With no limitations on theme or style, artists unleashed their imaginations, filling the virtual gallery with a kaleidoscope of colors, forms, and ideas. Beyond the enticing cash prizes, the competition recognized and honored the artists' dedication to their craft. Strokes served as a testament to the power of collaboration between art and business, proving that the fusion of creativity and innovation can lead to extraordinary outcomes. As the competition came to a close, it left a lasting impression on both participants and viewers alike, reminding us all that art is a boundless journey of self-expression and exploration.

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